Grief and Loss

Grief and Loss

Interested in this Course?

This course might be just what you’re looking for to train your employees on critical risks in your workplace.

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Losing a loved one is usually painful and comes with it feelings of grief and loss. Managing grief can be difficult and varies from person to person. Some people cope well; others do not.

In this course, workers learn about the grieving process.  The cycle of grief includes denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. They are taught helpful coping strategies including attending the funeral, speaking about the person who died and getting support from loved ones or professionals. Processing these feelings with others helps to reduce feelings of sadness and loneliness.

It’s normal to feel numb, guilty, angry and sad but if these feelings are strong, preventing people from doing normal activities or continuing for more than a year, then they may need extra help.

Learning Outcomes:

At the completion of this course learners will:

  1. Learn that loss is a part of life.
  2. Understand the signs and symptoms of grief and the expected duration of each phase.
  3. Learn about the symptoms of depression.
  4. Learn some strategies to cope with the loss of a loved one.

Course length: 3 mins (3-minute animated and subtitled video)

  • Certificate of completion
  • In-depth Reporting
  • Teaches coping strategies and recommends where to seek help
  • Uses storytelling and follows a character’s experiences
  • Facilitator’s Guide including video transcript and Assessment Q&A’s
  • All content can be customised
  • Pause and resume function

Available in English (Australian).

This course is suitable for use in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Europe, the US, and all countries that adhere to OSHA and HSE requirements.

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