User Groups can be used to assign specific courses to specific groups of people. There is no limit on the number of users or courses that can be assigned to a group, and no limit on the number of groups that can be created.
Creating a Group
To create a new group, click the User Groups option in the main menu.
On this page, click the Add Group button to the top left. In the popup, enter the name for the group and select the courses you wish to assign to the group. Once you have finished, click the Add button at the bottom of the form. Assigning users to the group will be done in a later step.
Editing a Group
To modify the name or assigned modules of a group, click the Edit button in the row of the group you wish to modify. Change the name and/or assigned modules and click save.
Assigning Users to a Group
Users can be assigned to groups in the User Management page. Navigate to this page from the main menu and click View User in the row of the user you wish to assign to a group. In the form you will see a list of your created groups. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the form, then select the groups you wish to assign to the user and click Save.
What Happens If a User Has No Groups?
Users not assigned to a group will be able to see all courses you have not disabled in the Organisation Config section.
What Happens If a User Is Assigned to Multiple Groups?
Users will see all courses belonging to all groups they have been assigned to.
What Happens If a User Is Assigned to a Group With No Courses?
If the user does not have any other groups that have courses belonging to them, the user will not be able to see any courses.