LeadershipHQ Interview With Dr Susanne Bahn

Leadership and Mental Health

It’s always great to delve into the thoughts of those leading new business and that’s what this interview by Leadership HQ Magazine with Dr Susanne Bahn CEO of Tap into Safety does this month. The article looks leadership in general with a focus on the impact of leadership and mental health.

Sue talks about leading her team as they innovate in safety and mental health training software development to keep workers safe, both physically and mentally. Leadership styles are discussed with a particular focus on leadership and mental health. When asked what leadership means, Sue suggests that it is mainly about making the hard decisions about strategy and direction. That is is often a case of keeping the faith when times are tough and leading by example with tenacity and understanding. When leadership is strong and focused it keeps the team level and productive. Poor leadership with wavering focus has a direct effect on the team’s mental health; so leadership and mental health go hand in hand.

Of course as a leader, your own mental health must be gauged. Time out and reflection is often difficult in the fast paced world of a new business or start-up. There are times when you need to slow down or even do something simple like sleep on the idea or decision before moving forward. Not that you’re likely to get much sleep that night though!

One of the key learnings since starting the business includes that “people never do what they say they will do and certainly not in the time frames they suggest”. The slower pace of the real world compared to the new business or start-up mindset can create impacts on mental health. Good leadership recognizes this disconnect.

In advising young entrepreneurs she recommends to “Follow your dream as soon as you can because life is short and you will run out of time and energy”.

To read the full interview please visit the LeadershipHQ website.

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