Mobile Plant is a major cause of work-related death and injury, including crushing, limbs caught in unguarded moving machine parts, falls while accessing, operating or maintaining plant, damage to hearing, and electric shock when plant is not adequately protected or isolated.
This course provides training on Exclusion Zones, Plant Operating Zones, emergency stops and alarms, safe access and egress, guarding and isolating energy sources, safe refuelling, preventing machine rollovers and noise.
This training challenges workers to think about injuries as a result of working around Powered Mobile Plant and managing worksites to only allow access to authorized personnel. The focus is on people and plant separation and providing communication between operators of Powered Mobile Plant and workers on foot.
Learning Outcomes:
At the completion of this course, learners will:
- Learn how to apply the Safety Hierarchy of Controls to address workplace hazards.
- Learn as a worker on foot, how to work around operating mobile plant.
- Understand machine exclusion zones when operating multiple powered mobile plant.
- Learn how to establish safe parking-up areas for heavy and light equipment.
- Learn how to establish separate pedestrian access, e.g. demarcated pedestrian walkways.
- Learn how to perform safe re-fuelling.
- Learn the importance of emergency stop buttons and perform isolation of machinery and moving parts.
- Learn how to safely access and egress machinery.
- Understand the need to maintain machine guarding for all moving parts.
- Learn the importance of clear communication to prevent a machine rollover.
Course length: 30 mins (10 x 1-minute animated and subtitled videos + short answer assessments)
- Includes a panoramic scene and hazard-spotting game
- Certificate of completion
- In-depth Reporting
- Facilitator’s Guide including video transcript and Assessment Q&A
- Optional pass rate
- All content can be customised
- Pause and resume function
Available in English (Australian).
This course is suitable for use in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Europe, the US, and all countries that adhere to OSHA and HSE requirements.