Scaffold Ground Conditions and Subsidence

ground consitions and subsidence

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This course might be just what you’re looking for to train your employees on critical risks in your workplace.

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In this toolbox session, we discuss the issue of subsidence and the effect that can have on the stability of a scaffold. We remind you that scaffolds need to be erected on stable and solid ground. We explain that excavation work can also undermine the ground conditions supporting the scaffold.

Learning Outcomes:

At the completion of this course, learners will:

  1. Learn about the need to plan excavations around scaffolds, for example, service trenches.
  2. Understand the importance of maintaining stable ground conditions around scaffolds.
  3. Learn how to protect the scaffold against subsidence, for example, water courses.

Course length: 3 mins (1-minute animated and subtitled video + 3 short question and answer assessment)

  • Certificate of completion
  • In-depth Reporting
  • Facilitator’s Guide including video transcript and Assessment Q&A’s
  • Optional pass rate

Available in English (Australian), English (USA), French and Spanish.

This course is suitable for use in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Europe, the US, and all countries that adhere to OSHA and HSE requirements.

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