The main role of the Construction Supervisor is to ensure that subcontractors achieve the results that your company expects. Those results will include that the subcontractors know how to perform the work on-site safely. Supervising means getting involved and understanding the day-to-day operations firsthand, the safety requirements of the various Acts and Regulations and your company’s own health and safety system and its procedures.
This course trains on what to look out for as the Supervisor moves across multiple construction sites to eliminate the major sources of serious harm to subcontractors. The course discusses seven common risks, for example, falls from height, working on or adjacent to roads and railways, and where mobile plant is in operation. The training discusses how to raise safety issues with subcontractors to make sure that the safety message is understood.
Learning Outcomes:
At the completion of this course learners will:
- Learn their role is to ensure the work on-site is completed safely.
- Learn what to look out for when first arriving on-site.
- Learn how to prioritise safety risks when managing multiple sites.
- Understand the common serious risks that can occur on a construction site.
- Learn what to keep an eye out for in emerging or developing hazards.
- Learn how to reinforce the safety message with their subcontractors.
Course length: 12 mins (9-minute animated and subtitled video + 7 short answer assessment)
- Certificate of completion
- In-depth Reporting
- Facilitator’s Guide including video transcript and Assessment Q&A’s
- Optional pass rate
- All content can be customised
- Pause and resume function
Available in English (Australian).
This course is suitable for use in Australia and New Zealand.