Time Management

Interested in this Course?

This course might be just what you’re looking for to train your employees on critical risks in your workplace.

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Everyone needs to learn the skill of good time management.

This course trains on how to effectively manage your time and determine tasks that are urgent and non-urgent. The course provides strategies to organise daily tasks and set boundaries around interruptions to help you complete your work. It discusses how to handle emails, phone calls and meetings.

Learning Outcomes:

At the completion of this course, learners will:

  1. Learn how to manage their daily tasks to create focus and reduce stress.
  2. Learn the difference between urgent and important tasks.
  3. Learn how to prioritise urgent and non-urgent tasks.
  4. Learn how to manage emails and non-urgent phone calls.
  5. Learn how to decide what meetings to attend and how to keep them on time.
  6. Learn how to avoid procrastination.
  7. Understand how to beat feelings of being overwhelmed to complete tasks efficiently.

Course length: 9 mins (7-minute animated and subtitled video + 7 Q&A short answer assessment)

  • Certificate of completion
  • In-depth Reporting
  • Facilitator’s Guide including video transcript and Assessment Q&A’s
  • Optional pass rate
  • All content can be customised
  • Pause and resume function

Available in English (Australian), English (USA), French and Spanish.

This course is suitable for use in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Europe, the US, and all countries that adhere to OSHA and HSE requirements.

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