Modern slavery describes serious exploitation where offenders use coercion, threats or deception to exploit victims and undermine their freedom. These are serious crimes, grave abuses of human rights and have devastating impacts on survivors.
It can occur in any industry and has severe consequences for victims. Modern slavery distorts global markets, undercuts responsible business and can pose significant legal and reputational risks. Business entities have a responsibility to respect human rights in their operations and supply chains. This includes taking steps to assess and address modern slavery risks.
This course discusses the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 to determine who has a Reporting Requirement, how to prepare for the new reporting regimes, when to report and how to ensure that supply chains are not engaging in modern slavery activities.
Learning Outcomes:
At the completion of this course learners will:
- Learn some examples of modern slavery in today’s supply chains.
- Understand how the Modern Slavery Act applies.
- Learn about the reporting requirements of the business under the Act.
- Learn how to prepare reports, and develop supply chains, policies and procedures.
- Understand how to perform a risk assessment on those parts of the business where there is a risk of modern slavery taking place.
- Learn how to encourage their suppliers to take modern slavery requirements seriously.
Course length: 10 mins (6-minute animated and subtitled video + 5 short answer assessment)
- Certificate of completion
- In-depth Reporting
- Facilitator’s Guide including video transcript and Assessment Q&A’s
- Optional pass rate
- All content can be customised
- Pause and resume function
Available in English (Australian).
This course is suitable for use in Australia.